This picket fence is waiting for me to photograph it over the weekend. I believe there are hydrangea's on this property now. I will post new photo as soon as I can.
On Monday afternoon I headed up to New Haven to meet my sister. We went to supper at Longhorns a steakhouse and then headed onto I95 for our Cape Cod vacation where it was hotter than I expected it to be.
Cynthia and I arrived near 1 a.m. on Tuesday morning. It was a good time to drive except for a few grueling spots where construction routed us off road. In the dark with the work crew lights blaring at us, the road was hard to see. I was grateful not to be behind the wheel! We stopped in Hyannis for a break but headed right back onto route six to get 'home'. All was quiet in the lot. Someone was using our parking space so we unloaded in front and then Cynthia parked the car off to the side.
When I opened the door to the condo I was not ready for the blast of heat and humidity that hit me in the face. The high temperatures with humidity levels of 87% sent my body's thermostat into a state of flux. The condo was as hot as any attic I remember being in. We waited a long while for the place to cool down some before trying to get to sleep. My sister didn't seem to mind the heat as much as I did but then, she doesn't have air conditioning at her home and I use it all the time. I couldn't bear to go upstairs to the bedroom so I slept fitfully on the couch with a fan going until dawn when I woke up.
My sister and I had fun on the Provincetown Trolley Ride on Wednesday until I started to feel sick. I wasn't sure if I was dizzy from too much heat, or sun, or if my sugar level was wrong. It was unsettling and when I found that food, water and shade did not help me I headed home to rest. I was not hungry at dinner time and it was difficult to come up with a meal that would both nourish me without making me feel sicker. I had a light supper of yogurt and fruit. My blood glucose level was at 113. A good number yet I felt unwell. I have started to recognize signs when my sugar levels are not 'higher' than usual. Pre-diagnosis, I wonder how many times I fed a 'normal' range sugar level with high carbohydrate foods?
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