Dec 7, 2010

Prevent the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes?

Often I hear from folks who have been told they have Pre-Diabetes. Being told you have Pre-Diabetes is a wake up call.  If you have heard this news from your doctor the time to make changes in lifestyle in order to prevent or postpone the onset of Type 2 Diabetes is NOW. 

Modest lifestyle changes can delay and even prevent diabetes. Had I known I'd end up with Type 2, I may have been more persistent in working out a plan with my doctor and nutritional counselor.  I believed I'd dodge the bullet - and when it hit, I was surprised.  I've since learned that weight loss of 10 to 15 pounds, 30 minutes a day of brisk walking for 5 days a week may reduce the risk by 58 percent. Now, no matter how many pounds I lose, I will be diabetic.  Period.

Exercise matters - my numbers go up by 20 or 30 points when I do not move. What I eat matters.  It's the same for you.  When you are told you have Pre-Diabetes, please take seriously your doctor's words. 

For an inside look at people living with Diabetes go to where you will find a community of people interested in diabetes.

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