I would dress for church
“appropriately” in “church attire” and I would get there early to get a good
seat, aka my seat. With or without my
Vinnie, I’d be there each day in Holy week to connect to and be reminded of and
to fall in love with Jesus all over again. I did this to appreciate Him and to
try and grasp the meanings behind the Passion of the Christ.
I used to love to tell
the story and the Gospel according to Denise. I know it sounds wrong but its
so. The Gospel according to each one of us individually matters.
I used to weep on Good
Friday. I used to go to church a lot. I miss having the love of going to church
that I once carried in every fiber of my being.
I don’t know when I lost it. Was
it when I was struck with a depression? Did I make a mistake being employed by
two different churches? Did I get too
involved in committee work? Was it
because of when I was a kid? I haven’t been able to trace it. But I know that I
don’t love church so much anymore.
I don’t like rushing to
get out the door in time, or dressing up. I don’t like to feel alone and I
don’t like to be in a community where I am reminded of things that have
separated me from what was once experienced as Grace. We are powerless over
other people, places and things and I am reminded not to hold a grudge so I let
go and I release and I pray and I find there is comfort in prayer and in
like-minded community. But, I miss loving church and singing hymns. I miss the enjoyment of hearing sermons.
Oh and I do miss the
passion I had. Perhaps it was the exuberance of youth? I miss how the longing in my heart would
somehow be filled with an assurance that goes beyond explanation. And I miss the way my heart would break and
mend all at the same time with the reading of Jesus’ words from the cross, “My
God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The words assured because those words
remind me that I had not been singled out to suffer for some major or minor sin
that created a separation between my heart and the Messiah’s.
In the emptiest moment of
the afternoon most Good Fridays, I will sit quietly and now alone while I
contemplate the reason and purpose for my life’s mission. I am reminded today of how many times I have
been loved and reassured by good church folk that while there is the dark
night, there is also the bright morning.
I am reminded of the folks I’ve sat with over the years and tried to
witness or reassure them in a time of need.
It is a lonely wait that calls us from today until Easter Morning. It’s lonely for each one of us. Even so, we
are not alone.
Today I feel I am walking
a forsaken walk and I wish I didn’t feel the call to share so personal a story.
But I know this for certain, I answer the call , “Here I am, send me.” because
experience has shown me time and again that this truth telling - my truth - is
the best way for me. It’s through the
cross and beyond to a glorious new beginning again and again. See you in
church. Maybe…