Jun 1, 2010

Daily Gifts

Sunday was another lovely day! We were swarmed by a band of giant mosquitos on our walk. Watch out folks! Vin forgot his cap and guess who had to save the day by swatting the critters off his head? Oh the sacrifices I am willing to make for the man I love!!!

Weekend gifts - a seashore rock in a shade of misty green & red, from a woman wishing us peace-fresh striped bass from a fisherman-weekend with 2 dear friends frm Jax FL Calls from our daughters just to sy "I ♥ U - 11 more to our church family, glorious weather & I got to hit Vinny in the head. Grace is God's free gift ... I say thank you & AMEN

Monday gifts - 45 minute walk to town and back, not falling down when I twisted my ankle where the pavement ended and the sandy ground began, I told myself "Run Niecie, Run" -- phew and then there was the delicious iced coffee from the Wired Puppy. Oh, perfect weather, &  & calls from our girls.

Tuesday's gift -- I walked with neighbor while she walked her dogs.  Next, a four mile walk - took myself out to lunch at Lobster Pot -- Iced Coffee from Wired puppy -- photos taken... came home, chatted with neighbors, elevated foot with ice -- oh the ankle is swollen now.. but I feel GREAT!

Doorbell rang - I got up to answer it - my neighbor was standing there with about 2 pounds of striped bass he caught at the beach an hour earlier - fish is pan ready.. I LOVE this place!!!

Wednesday - Neighbor invited me to join her on Saturday morning if I was interested in working with her at the Library Book Sale.  The P-Town Library has a monthly fundraiser - I saw it as a good opportunity to get involved in the community.

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