Dec 17, 2010

Manifesting Change

I am having a hard time focusing on one thing at a time these days. I am distracted by the UPS and FED EX drivers delivering packages that need to be wrapped. And there is my 11 year old dog Blue who doesn't understand it is too cold to sit outdoors. She nudges and pushes at me to notice her while I am trying to key in a quick blog post. Of course, there are emails and paperwork I need to focus on today too. However, more importantly, Vinnie and I have a daughter and son in law coming here for a visit. We have scheduled time to be together and times when they will be visiting others. In the meantime, distractions are clamoring for my attention. While I have made lists of what to do the voice I am hearing today says to write.
I am reading the book Manifesting Change by Mike Dooley. There are some stirrings I have had while reading that I would like to share with you.

I believe creating the life I want is a consistent process. Intentions I have placed out in the Universe over the years, have manifested into experiences or things. Circumstances which I have desired along with conditions I feared came to pass as a result of what I think about because what I focus on does appear. While not always pleasant, life brings lessons which leave me feeling grateful. Today I find gratitude to be quite liberating. It does amaze me to see things come along that were once merely a thought or vision.

The Soul knows in what direction we need to go. I have learned it is good to listen and distinguish what the Soul is looking for. It is difficult at times for me to listen to the still small voice because my of my “lizard brain” response. The lizard brain is automatic. It comes from the part of the brain that recoils when we burn ourselves on a hot stove or that wakes up from a dream just before something awful happens. It is at work automatically defending its (yours, mine and our) survival.

My lizard brain who I affectionately call Addiction Annie certainly has had her share of time on the soap box. And she has quite literally saved my life more than once. I am quite fond of her, in fact. She is an essential part of my being. I’ll tell you my Addiction Annie tends to make a lot of noise when things don’t go her way. She can over react and make things more complicated than they need to be at times. With her commotion she unintentionally drowns out life’s little whisperings that bring me to the most wonderful places of challenge and change. For instance, Annie is telling me to get to the grocery store, start cooking something, clean the bathroom, reply to the client email, wash the floor, send out the greeting card, call the friend, and wrap a package and so on.
My Soul recognizes and is tuned to the whispers that say, "Denise, take a breath." "Finish your writing." "Have a diabetes friendly lunch then go for a walk afterward." "Take another breath and…Exhale." “Make a list of what is important and work from it.” The messages are simple. The time it takes to listen is brief but makes an enormous difference in how I feel throughout the day. Have you taken time to listen to that Still Small Voice today?

I believe with intention, practice and meditation, the Still Small Voice can and will win out every time.

To my Addiction Annie I say, “Be Still and Know..."

Dec 7, 2010

Prevent the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes?

Often I hear from folks who have been told they have Pre-Diabetes. Being told you have Pre-Diabetes is a wake up call.  If you have heard this news from your doctor the time to make changes in lifestyle in order to prevent or postpone the onset of Type 2 Diabetes is NOW. 

Modest lifestyle changes can delay and even prevent diabetes. Had I known I'd end up with Type 2, I may have been more persistent in working out a plan with my doctor and nutritional counselor.  I believed I'd dodge the bullet - and when it hit, I was surprised.  I've since learned that weight loss of 10 to 15 pounds, 30 minutes a day of brisk walking for 5 days a week may reduce the risk by 58 percent. Now, no matter how many pounds I lose, I will be diabetic.  Period.

Exercise matters - my numbers go up by 20 or 30 points when I do not move. What I eat matters.  It's the same for you.  When you are told you have Pre-Diabetes, please take seriously your doctor's words. 

For an inside look at people living with Diabetes go to where you will find a community of people interested in diabetes.