Mar 27, 2011

30 Tips from Diabetes Forecast Magazine

An interview with Tracey Neithercott from Diabetes Forecast Magazine ended up with a photography session in Norwalk.  Andrew Kist is the photographer who met with me at Italia's Restaurant on Main Avenue.  The photo shoot took about 2 hours from start to finish.  The magazine placed a full page picture of yours truly in the April 2011 Issue of Diabetes Forecast.  I post this for your information and to share what I am learning about Diabetes. 
The title of Tracey's article is
Back To Basics: Carb Counting Tips
30 top pointers from real people with diabetes

By Tracey Neithercott

The article has 30 tips that Tracy harvested from several Diabetics who were interviewed for this helpful article.  Please take the time to follow the link and print out a copy for your reference or share a link to this blog with a loved one who may benefit from the information. 
The tips she harvested from our 40 minute interview are below, numbers 6, 7, and 9.

photo by Andrew Kist
 6. Enlist help.
“In the beginning, I needed the team to help me,” says Denise Costabile, 57, who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in April 2010. So when she ate at her favorite Italian restaurant, her husband put the bread on a chair so she wouldn’t be tempted to snatch a slice. “Having his help was key. I needed to surround myself with people who will help me.”

7. Learn from setbacks.
“Last night, I cheated completely, which I never do,” says Costabile. Instead of looking up a food’s carbohydrate content, she guessed. “When I do that, it prompts me to learn that number. I really try to be ready.”

9. Keep it simple.
“When I was first diagnosed, I found things I really love,” says Costabile. “I find comfort in keeping it simple. I have a certain salad dressing on my salad that I like. I stick to it. It’s simpler that way.”

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